
CarFrance24 - Regulations

Basic Information

The administrator and owner of the CARFRANCE24.PL online store and the party to the contracts for the sale of goods concluded through it is with its registered office in Bielsko-Biała (43-300) at ul. Jesionowa 13, NIP: 5471966348. The company is entered in the CENTRAL REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION ON BUSINESS ACTIVITIES, the authority maintaining the register: MINISTER OF DEVELOPMENT, LABOR AND TECHNOLOGY.

Correspondence address:, Jesionowa 13, 43-300  Bielsko-Biała

E-mail address:

Telephone customer service line:
+48 790 430 356
(The fee for a telephone connection to the CarFrance24 Customer Service Office is charged in the amount of a regular telephone connection, in accordance with the tariff package of the telecommunications service provider used by the User.)



these regulations.

Administrator based in Jesionowa 13, 43-300  Bielsko-Biała,  NIP: 5471966348.


IT platform, functioning through and using the Internet, under the name "", available at, acting as an online store run by the Administrator.


any information, data, elements, materials, algorithms, schemes, works or other objects of intellectual property rights, designations, names, trademarks, symbols, images, recordings, regardless of their nature, format and method of recording or presentation, placed in Website by the Administrator.


Registered User's account.


products that are movables in the form of car spare parts and car accessories that can be ordered and purchased via the Website.


factual actions required for the User to obtain the status of a Registered User within the meaning of the Regulations and resulting in the creation of a Profile.


a natural person who is over 18 years of age and has full legal capacity or a legal person using the Website and its functionalities and the Content as a Guest or as a Registered User.


a person who visits the Website and uses it, including getting acquainted with the Content and purchasing the Goods, however, without registering.


a natural person purchasing Goods via the Website not directly related to their business or professional activity.

Registered User

a person who visits the Website and uses it, including getting acquainted with the Content and purchasing Goods, after successful Registration and logging in to their Profile.

Privacy Policy

detailed rules governing the processing of personal data of Website Users by the Administrator, including specifying the scope of data as well as the purposes and methods of their processing specified in the "Privacy Policy" document located at the following link: https:/ /


User's declaration of intent submitted to the Administrator via the order form on the Website, constituting an offer for the User to conclude a Sales Agreement with the Administrator, as the seller, for the Goods available on the Website selected by the User.

The right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement

  1. According to Art. 27 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827), Users who are Consumers have the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement (resignation from the purchase of Goods) without giving a reason, within 14 (fourteen) days from release of the Goods, and in the case of Sales Agreements that include many items that are delivered separately, in batches or in parts - from the release of the last Good, lot or part of the Good covered by the Sales Agreement to the User or a third party indicated by the User, other than the carrier. Information on withdrawal from the contract containing detailed information on the conditions for exercising the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement referred to above is included in Appendix 1 to the Regulations.
    In order to exercise the Consumer's right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement referred to in par. 1 above, it is necessary for the Consumer to submit to the Administrator, within the time limit specified in paragraph 1 above, a statement of withdrawal from the contract. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send a statement before its expiry. A statement of withdrawal from the contract may be sent by registered mail to the Administrator's address indicated in point 1 of the Regulations or using the electronic form available here: or in Appendix 1 to the Regulations.
  2. In the case of returning a used battery for the purchase of a new battery covered by a deposit, in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of 24/04/2009 on batteries and accumulators, the Consumer is obliged to attach to the returned, used battery a form available at: form_akumulator.pdf, completed in accordance with instructions on the form together with the manufacturer, the number of pieces and the total deposit fee charged. In the case of goods covered by the manufacturer's deposit, the returned, used goods must be accompanied by a form for deposited goods available at: Deposit_return_form.pdf. The returned, used goods must be packed in the packaging after the purchased part covered by the deposit in a way that does not cause permanent change or damage to this packaging. The decision to accept the part is made by the manufacturer. The delivered, used part must be complete (contain elements that are included in the purchased part covered by the deposit), it cannot bear traces of mechanical damage, alterations, cracks, broken threads, or cut off or broken elements. The manufacturer's decision is expected within 90 days and it is each time provided to the Consumer. In the case of a negative decision, the Consumer is obliged to decide within 7 days of its submission whether he wants to collect the used part or send it for scrapping. In the absence of a decision within 7 days or no contact with the Consumer, the used part with a negative decision is sent for scrapping.
  3. The Administrator shall immediately provide the Consumer on a durable medium with a confirmation of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement submitted in accordance with paragraph 2 above.
  4. To exercise the right to withdraw from the contract, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of an unambiguous statement (for example a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail) to the following details:
    Firma Handlowo Usługowa Carfrance24 Andrzej Żur
    Jesionowa 13
    43-300 Bielsko-Biała
    voivodeship Silesian.
    (Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.): 790430356
    E-mail contact: You can use the model withdrawal form, but this is not obligatory.
    In order to meet the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, it is sufficient for you to send information regarding the exercise of your right to withdraw from the contract before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract expires.To meet the deadline for returning the Goods, it is enough to send the Goods to the address indicated by the Administrator before its expiry, together with an indication of the order number. Please attach the received VAT invoice to the returned Goods in order to cancel it, however, this is not a legal requirement to consider the withdrawal from the contract effective. In the event of withdrawal by the Consumer from the Sales Agreement in its entirety, i.e. in relation to all the Goods covered by it, the costs of returning the Goods by the cheapest available according to the operator's price list by postal parcel or courier are borne by the Administrator. If the Consumer withdraws from the Sales Agreement only in part, i.e. in relation to only part of the Goods covered by it, the direct costs of returning the Goods shall be borne by the Consumer.
  5. The rights of consumers and entrepreneurs making purchases for purposes related to their business, but not of a professional nature for the buyer, to withdraw from the contract within 14 days.
  6. The right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement referred to in the preceding points is not entitled to the Consumer in the case of a Good that is not prefabricated, manufactured according to the Consumer's specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs.
  7. In the event of a correct and effective withdrawal from the Sales Agreement by the Consumer in accordance with the preceding points, the Administrator will return to the Consumer no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's statement on withdrawal from the Sales Agreement, all payments made by the Consumer, including the price paid for the Goods and costs of delivery of the Goods to the Consumer. If the Consumer has chosen a method of delivery of the Goods other than the cheapest regular one, delivery method offered by the Administrator, the Administrator is obliged to reimburse the Consumer for the cost of delivery of the Goods only according to the cheapest available delivery option. The Administrator will refund the payment using the same method of payment as used by the Consumer, unless the Consumer expressly agrees to a different method of returning the payment, which does not involve any additional costs for him.
  8. The Administrator may withhold the reimbursement of payments received from the Consumer until receipt of the Goods back or delivery by the Consumer of proof of its return, depending on which of these events occurs first.
  9. The consumer is liable for the decrease in the value of the Goods as a result of using them in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Goods. In this case, the amount of payments returned to the Consumer will be proportionally reduced.the provisions regarding the Consumer contained in this paragraph apply to the Entrepreneur-Consumer (pursuant to Article 7aa of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights)
  10. The right to withdraw from a distance contract referred to in this paragraph of the Regulations is not entitled to a Customer who is not a Consumer or Entrepreneur-Consumer.
  11. Moreover, pursuant to Art. 31 section 2 of the Act of May 30, 2014. on consumer rights, if the Consumer or Entrepreneur-Consumer made a declaration of withdrawal from the contract before the Store accepted his offer, the offer ceases to be binding.


  1. The Administrator undertakes to make every effort to ensure that the Goods sold by him and delivered to Users are free from any defects and consistent with the Sales Agreement relating to them.
  2. The User has the right to submit a complaint in the event of defects in the delivered Goods or other non-compliance of the Goods with the Sales Agreement relating to them.
  3. The complaint should be sent in writing to the address indicated in point. 1 of the Regulations or by e-mail to the following address: along with delivering the complained Goods to the Administrator at the Administrator's expense, indicating the order number and a description of the defect of the Goods, the circumstances of its discovery and providing the contact details of the User complaining. Please attach a VAT invoice to your complaint. Complaints without returning the complained Goods to the Administrator will not be considered. If, due to the type of Goods or the method of their installation, delivering the complained Goods to the Administrator would be excessively difficult, the User is obliged to make the Goods available to the Administrator or a person authorized by him in the place where the Goods are located.
  4. Complaints will be considered within 14 days from the date of delivery of the complained Goods to the Administrator or of making them available to the Administrator or a person authorized by him in the place where the Goods are located. The Administrator will send the User its position in writing or by e-mail.
  5. The costs of repairing or replacing the Goods are borne by the Administrator. The Administrator may refuse to dismantle and reinstall if the cost of these activities exceeds 10% of the price of the Goods sold. If the buyer is a Consumer, he may request disassembly and reassembly from the Administrator, but is obliged to bear part of the related costs of the sold Goods or may demand from the Administrator payment of part of the costs of disassembly and reassembly, up to 10% of the price of the sold Goods.
  6. To the extent not regulated in the Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code on warranty (Articles 556 - 576 of the Civil Code) shall apply to matters related to defects of the Goods.
  7. The conditions for the User to benefit from the warranty for the Goods granted by its manufacturer or distributor are specified in the warranty document attached to the delivered Goods. Exercising the User's rights under the warranty does not affect his rights under the warranty.
  8. Moreover, the User has the right to submit a complaint in the event of irregularities in the functioning of the Website or the inability to use the Website within the scope specified in the Regulations or in the event of failure by the Administrator to perform his duties in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations. Such a complaint may be sent in writing to the address indicated in point. 1 of the Regulations or by e-mail to along with a description of the irregularities, the circumstances of their detection and contact details of the User complaining.
  9. The Administrator will consider the complaint referred to in section 8 above, within 21 business days from the date of receipt by the Administrator of the full scope of information indicated in section 7 above and will send the User its position in writing or by e-mail.
  10. If the data or information provided in the complaint require supplementation, before considering the complaint, the Administrator will ask the User submitting the complaint to supplement it within the indicated scope and within the specified time.
    The consumer may use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims.
  11. In order to take advantage of the possibility of amicable resolution of disputes regarding online purchases, the Consumer may submit a complaint, e.g. via the EU ODR online platform, available at:


The goods sold in the Store are covered by the manufacturer's warranty

Sales Agreement

a contract for the sale of Goods within the meaning of the Civil Code concluded remotely between the User and the Administrator via the Website.


  1. These Regulations define the rules for the use of the Website by Users and the conclusion of Contracts for the Sale of Goods through it.
  2. All rights, including intellectual property rights, to the Website, its name, Internet domain, graphic design and Data are the sole property of the Administrator, and they may be used only in accordance with the Regulations or with the consent of the Administrator.
  3. The website is made available through the website as a resource of the ICT system. The website serves as an online store enabling the purchase of selected spare parts and car accessories from the range offered by the Administrator and has other functionalities made available by the Administrator at a given moment.
  4. Use of the Website and its correct fu
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